MicrobeTV is Looking For:

  • Podcasters

MicrobeTV is an independent podcast network for people who are interested in the life sciences. Our shows are about viruses, microbes, parasites, evolution, and even urban agriculture.

We are always looking for new science shows – by scientists. If you are interested in joining us, send a note to shows@microbe.tv.

microbtv podcast network science communication outreach initiative opportunity podcasting

MicrobeTV was founded in 2015 by Vincent Racaniello, a professor of Microbiology & Immunology at Columbia University. Vincent began his first podcast, This Week in Virology, in September 2008, together with Dickson Despommier, father of the Vertical Farm. Although Vincent viewed the creation of a science podcast as an experiment, he was surprised when people began to listen. Since then he has created five other podcasts, and you can find all of them here at MicrobeTV.